Jupiter quincunx Chiron

On September 23 at around 5:29 am ADT, Jupiter in Libra formed a quincunx aspect with Chiron Retrograde in Pisces. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, luck, and fortune, and in Libra its focus is finding “balance” in this department. Chiron is an asteroid, and its placement indicates a “wound” that we learn to live with, and which inspires us to help others with similar suffering — in Pisces, this healing takes place at a spiritual level, addressing the way we relate to our Selves especially, and how that plays out in our relationships in the world as a whole! Especially during its retrograde period, Chiron is very much about working towards healing on an evoluntionary, deep-soul level, spanning across lifetimes!

The tarot cards for Jupiter is X – The Wheel of Fortune, and while Chiron doesn’t specifically have a card, Pisces’ card is XVIII – The Moon. Together, these cards indicate the beginning of a process of things coming “full circle,” although where this is a quincunx aspect, this indicates coming to see a new way to approach things following a challenge in seeing “eye to eye” over something. Jupiter quincunx Chiron will represent reflection on your concept of “fortune,” thinking on what is working for you and what is not, and developing ideas for how you can heal what unsettles you about your current situation. This will be a time of going within, of things surely getting darker before they become light again, but truly, it will be a healthy and necessary process given the proper time and attention. Be forgiving of yourself and your personal cycles, and pay attention to the little “drops of wisdom” falling all around you at this time — grounding yourself with your preferred mode of spirituality will be very helpful right now.

X The Wheel of FortuneXVIII The Moon

For this reading, I chose to draw from Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards, Chakra Wisdom Cards, and the Everyday Witch Tarot. This was exciting because it’s the first time I’ve used the Everyday Witch Tarot in a multi-deck spread! I laid out a crystal grid of chevron amethyst for direct connection between the Higher Self and intuition, ruby zoisites for heart-centred grounding, moonstones for understanding and healing of personal cycles, dragon’s blood jasper for strengthening your compassionate will, carnelian for creativity and inspiration, another amethyst for calmness and inward connection, black onyx (this one has a little goddess face!) for powerful protection of your personal energy, and quantum quattro for knowledge of the ability that you can make anything happen! I have been adding in pictures of the Shadow and Higher Self cards in my Etsy readings lately, so for this post I’ll start with the Shadow cards.

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Shadow Cards: Sedna | Infinite Supply + Dissipating + 8 of Cups

Lately, you have made leaps and bounds in terms of expanding your definition of what you need to survive — happily, you’ve found yourself with much more than you expected through thinking this way, and now it’s just a matter of making that line of thinking about things “stick.” This revelation coincided with something quite emotionally overwhelming happening, which made you super-aware of how fragile life can be and how much you want to enjoy your own life as much as possible. You’re thinking towards how you can heal and protect your personal power, how you can live the life you want for yourself, how to downsize your “stuff” to make room for much a “realer” focus, like a clearer sense of self and an even deeper appreciation for the “little things” that bring you joy ❤

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Ishtar | Boundaries + Destiny + VI – The Lovers

Indeed, Jupiter quincunx Chiron Retrograde finds themes of identifying and solidifying boundaries in your relationships. Not only have you heard “the Call” yourself, you’re more committed than ever to make the long haul with the person you love quite specifically. This will have to mean making some major personal adjustments, an opening and accepting towards the reality that your differences will never disappear and must be wrestled through (metaphorically, of course, unless that’s what you’re into ;D). Your destiny awaits, you’re following it, and you are supported in the choice you’ve made! This transit will open some wounds, but these are precisely the ones that need to be [ad]dressed and healed, and this is an opportunity in disguise to handle things in a way that is respectful of you, your partner, and what you know is your life purpose. Above all, be kind to yourself when you make mistakes, and be honest with the people you care about when you know you’ve hurt them and are sorry — you know now better than ever that Teamwork makes the Dream Work!

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Higher Self Cards: Ixchel | Medicine Woman + Instinct + King of Swords

I was so “touched” by the messages in these cards! Through this transit, keep in mind the greater purpose you’re working toward — you know you’re good at what you do, and you truly feel that you can help people in sharing your skill. No matter what you’ve tried in life, you’ve never been able to shake the sense that you should be on the path that you’re following right now — first of all, be proud of yourself! Second, step back and appreciate how very far you’ve come in terms of conquering the personal patterns you dislike in yourself, and how much you have learned towards acting on getting on that path mentioned before. You are absolutely thinking in the right direction, and you have the wits to make it all the way with this! Keep working at it and maintain the space you need to focus, with tact and logic as much as you can manage. When there’s this much passion involved, sometimes you can’t help but let your animal excitement take over! But you have also never felt more “in touch” with the rhythms of the Universe, and as a result, you are following your heart-song Home.


This is an example of the Super “One”-Card Tarot + Oracle Card Reading available in my Etsy shop! Readings can be delivered via email PDF, by video call (Facetime/Facebook/Skype), or by private video. Feel free to use the coupon code THANKS15 for 15% off your reading at checkout!


Decks used:

Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards. Tori Hartman. Illustrated by Gretchen Raisch-Baskin. London, England: Watkins Media Ltd., 2014.

Everyday Witch Tarot. Deborah Blake. Artwork by Elisabeth Alba. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn, 2017.

Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. Doreen Virtue. Various artists. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc., 2004.

Tarot Mucha. LWB: Lunaea Weatherstone. Artwork: Giulia F. Massaglia. Torino, Italy: Lo Scarabeo, 2014. © Lo Scarabeo Italy.

Happy Libra Season!

On September 22, 2017, the Sun moves into Libra! I’m a Pisces, the sign that falls “opposite” Virgo on the astrological wheel, and my “South Node” is also in Virgo — that makes it a bit of a tough season for me, kinda like I’m “buried” in all that calculated earthy energy and it muddies up my watery senses! (The South Node can represent lessons you learned in your past life and are scrambling to remember and re-employ this lifetime). I suppose that’s my form of an “excuse” for not posting lately, although Virgo season did hold a lot of “dirt” for me — working as fast as I could to get everything in order for the business, maintaining my tarot business, and (how appropriate for health-conscious Virgo) a medical emergency involving a surprise kidney stone! Phew phew phew, so I don’t know about you, but I am so ready for the “shift” in energy that Libra Season bring — we become more focused on finding balance, thinking towards what is “right” for us personally, and bringing back in some beauty and warmth to make everything feel better, at least on the surface 😛 Libra Season has always “felt” good to me, and now it’s one of my favourites because Ori, my little Sunshine Boy, is a Libra Sun!

The tarot cards for the Sun and Libra are XIX – The Sun and XI – LibraYes, the Sun in Libra represents making movement towards finding “personal justice,” starting to take action on the revelations had during Virgo season about what needs to be re-ordered and what can be made healthier, where aesthetic improvements can be made. It is time to start creating on the grand scale, leaving behind the “walls” you put up in favour of cutting down the final “curtain” separating you from your new reality, taking a deep breath, and stepping through to greet all that you’ve been waiting for. Did you feel the shift in energy today? You’re ready to fly!

XIX The Sun XI Justice

I recently did a really powerful reading for a client with this deck combination — when I was shuffling I noticed the Shadowscapes Tarot’s beautiful Justice card, which I remembered today when choosing cards for a Libra Season energy update! Usually I’d do a larger reading for a Sun sign change, but I need to conserve my energy right now, so a Super “One”-Card Reading it is! In addition to Shadowscapes, a deck I love to use for Shadow/Dream work as well as Otherworld connection, I drew from its “sister” oracle deck, The Kuan Yin Oracle, for its gentle healing messages, and Crystal Reading Cards for its equally powerful healing energy. I laid out a crystal grid of selenite and desert rose for Higher Self connection, clear quartz for clarity of message, an amethyst cluster for powerful intuitive reception, sodalite and blue lace agate for sensitivity in communication, two rose quartz for self-love and compassion for others, moss agate as a reminder to engage in self-care, black obsidian for protection, and moonstone for fluidity in your personal cycles. This reading’s intent is to identify what is needed for Shadow-healing as we enter Libra Season.

I’ve included pictures of the Shadow and Higher Self cards, something I’ve been experimenting with in my client readings lately — it’s just too amazing how to imagery carries across the cards!! We’ll start with the Shadow cards, then the main cards, and return to the Higher Self cards at the end.


Shadow Cards: 5. Dance of the Butterfly Queen + Crocoite | Sexuality + King of Pentacles reversed

This reading is just teeming with “feminine” energy — we are entering Libra Season, and while Libra is technically a “masculine” sign, it is ruled by the very feminine Venus. Change is underway: you are moving through your metamorphosis, unfurling and sharing the beauty you have been creating. It will be received powerfully, exciting all sorts of new energy, invigorating you and reminding you of your own personal magnetism as you’re filled up with the wonders starting to flow in! There is still work to be done and you are very much aware of being at the “nurturing” stage of the process, where you keep your eyes peeled for signs of growth and well-being in the new thing you have created. Be aware of the conflicts that can come up now as you adjust to this new balancing act — you still need practice, but it’s going to be perfect!


35. The Book of Changes + Orpiment | Success + Knight of Cups reversed

Yes, the “labour” of Virgo season is over, and here you are holding your bright and shiny new “baby!” You made it! You did it! And now everything is different, which can be quite overwhelming. Look at that glowing Success card — indeed, your success in this situation is guaranteed, as long as you remain mindful of the emotional side of things now. So much has happened and is still happening that you need to be aware of holding your ground, of not getting swept away in the excitement such that you find your achievements “out of reach” again! Keep your vision fresh in your mind and don’t get down on yourself if you experience a “stalling” of sorts — this will be yet another opportunity to stop and reflect, gather your bearings, and catch the next wave to keep moving in the direction your heart chose for you. Believe in yourself and the changes you’ve made and will continue to see, hear, and fully sense unfolding. The only one who can stop you now is You! Keep working, keep sorting through the raw emotions this all inevitably stirs up, and do your best to “find the fun” and laughter as you go about seeing your dreams made reality!

Higher Self Cards: 29. Sound the Fierce Flute + Black Obsidian | The Shadow + XII – The Hanged Man

I always squeal out loud a bit when cards directly reflect the question being asked — The Shadow directly references what I wanted to “get at” in this reading, and I even laid out a little piece of black obsidian before pulling the cards! But I digress — the power you’re putting behind this new endeavour is growing, becoming audible to everyone now. No more secrets here, so keep yourself grounded and protected, as being fully “exposed” is like an invitation for personal darknesses to start whispering in your ears, trying to encourage you to slip back into the old patterns that used to place you firmly in your own way. Keep reflecting on all you’ve overcome and continue to conquer, knowing that each little bit of new perspective brings you closer to recognizing the “full effect” of everything that is coming together right now!

Resounding underlying themes in this reading centre around embracing the “feminine” and making sure to continue taking care of your Self and your emotions, making massive advances in career/ personal power, and absolutely maintaining hope that what you’ve been working towards and pouring all of your earthly energy into is going to be just as amazing as you’ve imagined. In fact, it’s going to be beyond the scope you’d initially set — truly, truly, as of now the sky is the limit!

Crystal Reading Cards. Rachelle Charman. Sterling Ethos, 2016.

Kuan Yin Oracle. Alana Fairchild. Artwork by Zeng Hao. Victoria, Australia: Blue Angel Publishing, 2012.

Shadowscapes. Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2010.

Tarot Mucha. LWB: Lunaea Weatherstone. Artwork: Giulia F. Massaglia. Torino, Italy: Lo Scarabeo, 2014. © Lo Scarabeo Italy.

Mercury enters Virgo: September 9, 2017

On September 9, Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo! Sound familiar? This transit may come with a heaping dose of deja vu — Mercury went retrograde in Virgo recently, slipped back into Leo, went direct again (that one corked me, lol), and is now back in Virgo! If you’ve felt like you’ve been in a bit of a time-warp, you’re not wrong: the same themes are cycling over and over right now, more and more tightly, so that the discomfort becomes so much that we’re all inspired to make the changes that need to be made for our collective personal betterment! Phew. But truly, Mercury being direct in Virgo is a blessing; looking at the tarot cards for Mercury and Virgo,  I – The Magician and IX – The Hermit, we can see that this will be a time which allows you to “bring forth” your magic, make the absolute best use of the tools you’ve gathered and are ready to work with, of shining your light super-bright in the world. This is the time of year where you really feels things coming “full circle,” noticing what is complete and what details need to be taken care of in order to get everything else feeling whole and harvested. This transit will really empower you to maximize the “healing” aspect of Virgo’s energy, allowing you to increase your personal power and act on any inspiration to really “pull it together” for yourself.

I The MagicianIX The Hermit

The following reading is drawn from the Mother Mary Oracle, Angel Tarot Cards, and the Mary-el Tarot. I just can’t stop using the Mary-el!! It calls to me all the time, and I just love the way it reads. For this Mercury in Virgo reading, I wanted to use decks that really pick up on Virgo’s virtuous, “right-minded” energy, choosing powerful decks that embody “divine feminine” energy and angelic strength. I laid out a crystal grid of citrine for increased personal power, falcon’s eye for far-sighted perspective, lapis lazuli for clear communication, snow quartz to “purify” your vision for yourself, labradorite to encourage “going with the flow” and opening yourself to hidden surprises, serpentine for further flexibility and trust that comes from the heart, and vulcanite for perfecting your personal patterns.

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Yes, Mercury re-entering Virgo finds you very much “on your way,” headed for your destination but fully feeling that you’re not quite “there” yet. You’ve been listening to the intuitive nudges guiding you along the way, marvelling at how trusting your gut has steered you clear of more than one freakin’ dumpster fire — you’re ready for more signs, ready to listen, ready to do whatever you have to do to keep the ball rolling! You’ve been making major corrections in order to start out in this new direction, and your mind is finally catching up with your heart: you have a very clear vision of what needs to be done. A large part of “what’s left to do” is internal work, very much attached to your definitions of “guilt.” You’ve recently been able to put your finger right on what triggers you into backsliding into a rage that shudders everything to a halt — no more! Now that you have seen this side of yourself there’s no going back, and you are ready to make a sudden change.

32. Our Lady Who Gives Peace + Page of Water (Cups) + III – The Empress reversed

You’ve been receiving “glimmers of hope” from all around, messages encouraging you to keep going, telling you that what you’ve been waiting for is “just around the corner.” Oh darling, it’s true!! You’re still “incubating,” building up your strength for what you’re about to receive, but also being provided with the time you need to truly prepare. This is the last chance to embrace your emotional responses to all that’s going on before you’ll have to “pack it in” and put on your “professional” hat — so jump around when you feel happy, throw yourself down and cry if you need to do that, scream with all your might when you get frustrated with the seeming lag in progress! But above all, be open to continuing to receive these messages, however they are arriving — you really are being helped along by universal forces, in addition to your own amazing might. You have been realizing where you could be doing more where it comes to reaching your goals, and now is not the time to succumb to guilt in that area — notice, correct, continue. You know what this is referring to, because it’s quite specifically the very patterns that your intuition has been steering you away from: those areas of your life where you let things slide, where you have stopped “taking care,” that need a bit more attention, and in turn everything else will continue to flourish and expand.

Indeed, right now your focus can be on your home and your relationships — much progress has been made on your “big project,” and so that can simmer on the back burner and stirred occasionally, but the people closest to you are the ones who need your energy now. Keep acting on that Mercury-in-Virgoan “urge to organize” whenever it comes up, keep tending to your personal environment in a way that makes you feel filled up and emotionally grounded. Know that the choices you are making now are defining you completely, and that you can’t go wrong if you make those choices from a place of love, both for yourself and for the people closest to you, who have been by your side for the entire journey and will continue to stand by you as you make the next steps together. You have done such great work getting yourself into a place of material stability, and you can trust that in following the rules you have set for yourself, you can achieve anything! Be proud of what you have done so far, and know that you’ll feel caught up with the feeling of this being fully “complete” in what seems like no time once you’re on the “other side!”

Keep listening to those “subconscious pulls,” those inner urges that tug you in a certain direction. You are guiding yourself to your personal truth, and it’s up to you whether or not you want to follow it! Things have reached a great balance for you, and now you can focus on bringing up your energy levels by meeting, greeting, and “treating” the last of your more negative patterns, that “guilt-rut” you love to drive yourself into most specifically. Much better things are coming — for now, clear out the cobwebs and know that you’re not really “stuck,” you’re being provided with more time than you thought you had to get it together!

If you’re interested in a private reading with me, please visit my Etsy shop! Feel free to use the coupon code THANKS15 for 15% off your reading at checkout!

Angel Tarot Cards. Doreen Virtue and Radeigh Valentine. Artwork by Steve A. Roberts. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc., 2012.

The Mary-el Tarot. Marie White. Atglen, PA: Schiffer, 2012.

Mother Mary Oracle. Alana Fairchild. Artwork by Shiloh Sophia McCloud. Victoria, Australia: Blue Angel Publishing, 2014.

Tarot Mucha. LWB: Lunaea Weatherstone. Artwork: Giulia F. Massaglia. Torino, Italy: Lo Scarabeo, 2014. © Lo Scarabeo Italy.


Mars in Virgo, Mercury Direct, Full Moon in Pisces, Oh My!!

Hello!! I’m still here! How’s everybody doing?

All August I was amazed at myself for continually managing to “stay on top” of everything I’d piled on my plate. I kept checking all my boxes, truly getting it *all* done, seemingly zooming out and watching myself with a mild sense o amusement. I couldn’t help but wonder how long I’d be able to “keep it up!” I think that was the start of that little voice telling me I needed to slow down, that I need to reconfigure the way I’m doing things, because more and more continues to be presented to me and I need to be able to keep up!! I had a few “trip ups” lately, one when I quite literally broke my baby toe and had to stop buzzing around for a couple of days to let it heal, and then a more major one where the “astrological currents” surrounding Mercury Direct, Mars entering Leo, and the Full Moon just pulled me right down to the bottom of an oceanic maelstrom of emotion where I felt like I couldn’t do anything!! I felt so awful for “skipping” the blog posts for those events, but realized I really have to go easy on myself — especially because I was able to attribute that Mars-Mercury-Moon meltdown to something a bit more concrete!

Whenever I experience a big “success,” for some reason at first I handle it really badly — I cry and cry, I storm around finding things that bother me, I try to convince myself that it’s not “real” and that there’s no way I deserve it. Crazy, right? Also very Full Moon-y, which happened in my Sun sign of Pisces! Phew, swirling maelstrom emotions to be expected! But all that aside, the “success” in question is a very big and very exciting one: Steve and I are the proud new owners of a used bookstore! We are taking over the assets of an established and well-loved used bookstore in our town, reopening under a new name on October 1. We are so excited!!!

And so, for this time of huge transition which I have a feeling everyone is experiencing, here’s a little energy update that I intended to include the “astrological energies” that I missed writing on over the past few days. I drew from Oracle of the Mermaids, Astrological Oracle Cards, and Tarot of Mermaids to pick up on the residual Full Moon in Pisces energies — we even had a jumper! I laid out a crystal grid with my abalone shell, several special seashells, a purplish crab shell that I found in PEI over the summer, my little dolomite dolphin and fish, magnesite for higher self connection, aventurine for heart-centredness and abundance, serpentine to calm anxiety and “slip through” obstacles, black onyx for protection and groundedness, and a huge raw carnelian for powerful creative thinking.

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This reading speaks of wanting to project your personal “voice” authentically but worrying that you don’t know how. You can feel your personal power growing, and you want to act on all the new ideas coming through and firing you up even more! You are so ready for this new journey to continue, to really get underway. And yet, much to your frustration, you’re held in place, wondering what to “do” with yourself while you wait.

Oracle Cards: 11. Sacrifice + Sagittarius + 30. Telepathy (jumper)

In the meantime, there is something you can do: “listen within,” asking yourself which patterns and habits you’re still hanging on to, seemingly with all your might, even though you know they’re not helping you get closer to your goal any faster. Right now you have the perfect amount of time to work through a “quitting” process, a releasing of what you know’s not serving you any longer. You want to be able to shoot straight and what keeps you “in the hole” at this point — you could continue to try and muddle through with shackles around your ankles, wading through with the same old “responses” constantly getting you in your own way. Or, you could choose to “do it for yourself:” make this change only because it will make you feel better, and help you move through your next phase freely and independently, fuelled by your own fire instead of being burned by it!

Card 1: Focus: I – The Magician

Yup, here you are! You have everything you need to make this work, it’s just about maintaining your energy and momentum in this short period where things feel like they’ve “ground to a halt.” Truly, right now you’re like a cellphone with all the apps — but tomorrow is a big day so it’s time to plug into your “power source” and let yourself charge! Focus on how you’re going to do what’s next, letting coming up with ideas get you excited all over again, and hang on to that feeling, letting it inspire you as you work on the changes to be made at present. You really are in control, you really do have all your ducks in a row — no room for self-doubt now, only self-care as you get chuffed for your big moment!

Card 2: Release: 7 of Swords

You really do need to listen to that little voice of “self-honesty” that’s pretty much been yelling in your ear. STOP DOING THINGS THAT HOLD YOU BACK! You know what they are, you can feel when those urges are rising in you — it really is okay that they slip out, but you have to go easy on yourself during and after. You’ve healed yourself before, and it’s about remembering how you did it to go for it again — and again and again forever! Hang in there, and know that you truly are thinking in the right direction. You’re telling yourself to make this change for a reason, and you can trust your inner guidance to help you all along the way.

Card 3: Increase: XVI – The Tower

This has been a huge stalker for me lately — change is definitely underway! Instead of seeing everything that’s going on around you as negative obstacles, try reframing them as positive challenges: think quickly and always towards your goal, so when you get tripped up you know “which way to fall.” The past is quickly receding as the future approaches, as the very air becomes charged with an energy of fresh excitement — but some things need to be left behind now, and some of them are a large part of how you’ve defined yourself up until this point. Take the leap, take the plunge, let it all go: trust that what will fill those gaps in is better than anything you could have imagined.

Card 4: Advice: XIII – Death

All through this reading I was chuckling at how “direct” the cards were with their message of “cut something out, change is underway, seriously, time to move on!” Yes, your old life is over and you’re starting anew. New lessons to be learned, new roads to travel, new perspectives to be gained! Let yourself relax into the transition, sleep if you need to, and trust that in “releasing” the last of your personal anchors, in fully jumping out of your “comfort zone,” you will open yourself up to the full light of your bright new horizon. The fog is lifting — you’re almost there!

Yes, it probably feels very much like you’re in “limbo” now — you can’t go back, and why would you want to?, but at this point there’s not much more you can do to move things forward — it’s out of your hands, so all you can do is relax. If you must stay busy, get at all the little annoyances that have piled up while you got everything else together! Laundry, dusting, everything that’s been “swept under the rug” to make room for what you were doing but are now done. Keep innovating, because great new ideas are coming to you all the time! This is a time for rethinking and making corrections while you wait for the connections, the finances, and the necessary charging of your personal energy that only “devoted downtime” can provide. This is a time to persevere with your vision, to find your balance as you really begin to notice how much the conflict has fallen away from “all this” — even looking back at this time last year, it’s amazing how much brighter things look! Anything lost during this period should be seen as kindling for the fire that will be used to light your personal “cannon” and shoot you straight for the stars in this endeavour — for now, rest your mind, sort through the last of your worries and do what you can to correct them, knowing that the sun will be coming up very, very soon now!

If you’re interested in a private reading with me, please visit my Etsy shop! Feel free to use the coupon code THANKS15 for 15% off your purchase at checkout <3<3

Astrological Oracle Cards. LWB: Lunaea Weatherstone. Artwork: Antonella Castelli. Torino, Italy: Lo Scarabeo, 2012. © Lo Scarabeo Italy.

Oracle of the Mermaids. Lucy Cavendish. Artwork by Selina Fenech. Victoria, Australia: Blue Angel Publishing, 2013.

Tarot of Mermaids. Lo Scarabeo. Llewellyn Publications, 2003.

Monthly Kick-Off Reading: September 2017

September is here! I’m so excited! Haha, it’s true that “summer” is coming to an end, the air is getting chillier, and a lot more work is poised to be piled on your plate. But think of all you’re ready to accomplish this month! September is “home” to Virgo and Libra, the astrological signs represented by IX – The Hermit and XI – Justice. Ooh, interesting numerological mirroring there! This pair indicates taking lots of time to reflect on where you have found balance in your life, where you could use more, and what you can do to bring things “together” for yourself. This is the time of year where we go back to work and school, finding and acting on “personal calling,” where we make use of the creative energy we’ve been filling ourselves with all summer. I like how it looks like the yellow light in the Hermit’s lamp become’s Justice’s yellow robes!

IX The Hermit XI Justice

The following one-card reading is drawn from the Mary-el Tarot, my newest deck! I can’t get enough of its beautiful and incredibly readable imagery. The guidebook is so lovely too, and really helps in making connections — I was amazed that the entry for the following reading’s card actually referenced the Shadow card! This is an example of what’s included with the $5 One-Card Monthly Kick-Off Reading tier of my tarotscope subscription offering on Patreon, which includes a one-card reading on the first day of each month! For this reading, I laid out a crystal grid of clear quartz for higher self connection, aragonite for grounding and ancestral support, amegreen for connection between your heart and your higher consciousness, emerald for ultimate heart-centredness and nurturing of your personal creativity, angelite for connection with your guides/angels/spiritual “team,” two carnelian for balanced use of your creative power, and Black Obsidian for protection and healing.

Let’s look at the Shadow/Higher Self cards first!

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Shadow Card: 9 of Cups

Higher Self Card: 2 of Wands

A lot of “portal” energy here! September will very much be about “changing states,” making your way from the past to the future, doing something new. You are entering the unknown, but it is a beautiful thing, and you feel powerfully guided at this point on your journey. You truly believe you heard a “calling” to take this path, and you’re on your way now — the path is clear for you, and you are grounded and ready to make the magic happen! The energy swirling is building on that past serendipitous moment where you found yourself in the right place at the right time, jumping headfirst into something some may say is silly but more would say sounds like a dream come true — you really are doing it!

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XIX – The Sun reversed

Did you notice the little star at the top of the 9 of Cups Shadow Card? It’s The Sun! You’re on the way up the staircase now, approaching your goal, warmed by it, knowing that nothing can take it from you now. This is the “shadow period” beforehand, where you are waiting to step into the light, preparing, thinking on how you are going to do it, and propelled forward by the knowledge that the “old cycle” has completed, and you are resting up for the new one to begin — the work will really start closer to the end of the month, so for now it’s best to focus on the last “behind-the-scenes” things that need attention before you really make your move. Something about the face looking back made me think of getting a haircut, having your hair washed in the funny basin — this is the time to “tidy up” before you find yourself very much int he public eye with your new endeavour!

Yes, you are truly on the process of “creating your future!” It feels good to have a plan, and to also have a clear picture of how much time you have to “get things in order” before, quite literally, your wishes come true and you step into your new life. This month, Mercury goes direct, which will find things feeling a lot smother and much more “clear!”

The Mary-el Tarot. Marie White. Atglen, PA: Schiffer, 2012.

Tarot Mucha. LWB: Lunaea Weatherstone. Artwork: Giulia F. Massaglia. Torino, Italy: Lo Scarabeo, 2014. © Lo Scarabeo Italy.