Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020!

How incredibly cool to be leaving an entire decade behind! This year I drew my Year Ahead spread from Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards, Super Atttactor Affirmation Cards, and the Modern Witch Tarot ♡♡

First it’s interesting to look back at 2019’s Year Ahead spread — the 4 of Pentacles reversed at the very centre very much represents the way that this past year was one of needing to let go of control and finding my team ♡♡ The Ace of Wands as the Future card in the centre of the reading truly represents how the year ended, with ne regaining my energy after giving birth to Clover, and also making awesome headway with my creative projects ♡♡

My Card(s) of the Year came out together — the 9 of Pentacles and the 8 of Pentacles ♡♡ I love how the woman in the 9 of Pentacles is looking back at the woman in the 8 of Pentacles, showing how much maintaining that successful businesswoman energy so very much relies on keeping at it always, continuing to enjoy doing the work you love and maintaining creative productivity ♡♡

I chose the Queen of Wands as my personality card for the year, to represent nurturing my creative projects with warmth and high feminine energy ♡♡ I pulled out the cards on either side of it within the deck, and drew 0 – The Fool and IV – The Emperor reversed; this year I need to just have fun and enjoy my projects, releasing my expectations and taking a hig leap of faith on myself ♡♡ The Emperor reversed suggests I not try to control the creative unfolding, i.e. not try to make some sort of rigid progress-schedule, lol! I’m deep in Mama mode, so time just needs to be used when it’s available ♡♡

My oracle cards for the year are High Priest | Intend and Create and two from Super Attractor came out together:

I am patient, knowing that whatever is of the highest good is coming to me.


I can decide today to recalibrate my energy and commit to love and joy.

I just need to keep working with what I’ve started, and feel free to love every minute of it ♡♡

January: Everything is Fine reversed

This is one of the extra cards in the Modern Witch Tarot ♡♡ January will be about continuing to work through the patterns that are no longer serving me, like the “final cut” that allows me to rise above the habits I’ve been trying to break, including disappearing into my phone, haha!

February: 7 of Wands reversed

The “struggle” lessons surrounding some sort of recognition where it comes to my creative choices. Expanding my community and things feeling easier, more celebratory, victorious ♡♡

March: XV – The Devil

I had the Devil reversed for February of last year, the month I realized I’d need to tap the brakes on my career’s trajectory after confirming that I was pregnant with Clover ♡♡ Now I feel my full Capricorn-stellium energy coming back, and March will see me making awesome use of it ♡♡

April: Queen of Swords

I develop a clear strategy, one which allows everything to advance organically. My patterns if thought and action are at a healthy and sustainable point ♡♡

May: 7 of Cups

I’ll need to lean into my spiritual principles, as there will be a lot going on that will be emotionally overwhelming — remember to go easy on myself and take permission to just chill and sleep on it to regain my energy ♡♡

June: XIII – Death

A major ending that allows me to ultimately gain more solid life-structure. Stepping firmly into my Scorpio Rising personality and firmly letting go of whatever parts of the past are still hanging on ♡♡

July: 4 of Cups reversed

Seizing an opportunity that fully releases my disappointments and steers me towards feeling jovial, friendly, and connected ♡♡ A meditative occurence shifts my mindset in a happy direction ♡♡

August: 3 of Swords reversed

Some deep past wounds find healing as the result of taking time to recognize what’s needed for mental balance to be found and a decision to be made ♡♡ The inky blood makes me thing that maybe this is when I’ll finish my deck, or at least the inking part!

September: XVII – The Star (!)

I was so excited to turn this over! My hard work and energy if pushing through the darkness leads to “finding the Light” in some way ♡♡ I’ll feel vulnerable but also empowered to co tinue on my Path, filled with hope as a result of the new connections I’m making ♡♡

October: King of Pentacles reversed

I have a clear vision of what success looks like, and am working hard nurturing that into reality ♡♡ I’m in full Queen of Pentacles mode — October holds both Iris and Ori’s birthdays! I make an investment that will grow in worth over time ♡♡

November: Knight of Wands

Things move forward quickly! Rein in my emotions as the energy surrounding my passion-work picks up speed — this feels like it represents my decks beginning to be shipped out ♡♡

December: 9 of Swords reversed + Knight of Cups

A huge amount of anxiety is released as I find a way to make a Dream Come True — finding me falling head-over-heels in love with life as a result ♡♡ It feels like waking up from a nightmare as I face the future with optimism and a poetic outlook ♡♡

The card representing the Past/2019 is the 6 of Cups, a lovely indication that my goal last year of focusing more on my babies and lifting myself out of depression was fulfilled ♡♡ The Present card is the 5 of Pentacles, reflecting that we don’t have much financially at the moment but that we’re open to asking for help and taking the steps to open more fully to receive ♡♡ The Future card is the Queen of Cups, my significator as a Pisces woman, and my favourite representation of myself as a Tarot reader and a loving Mama with a fully open heart ♡♡ This year finds me starting at the bottom with beautiful perspective on what really matters in life, and finds me finding myself, forgiving myself, and coming into my own more than ever before ♡♡

The Shadow cards are Traveller | Move in a New Direction, “Feeling good will bring me far more than whatever I thought I needed,” and VI – The Lovers, finding me entering the year ready to explore all the opportunities and possibilities available to me, based on the choices I’ve made and the large projects I’ve started ♡♡ The Higher Self cards are Winter | Take Care of Your Needs, “When I’m in a state of appreciation, I’m in vibrational alignment with my true love nature,” and XVI – The Tower — it looks like *a lot* is poised to change, in further of further clearing my path towards Self-Realization ♡♡ The Tower is one of my Birth Cards, and I’m looking directly at the upcoming Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12 for the first clues as to what energy this card represents!

I am so excited to work with this year’s fresh energy ♡♡

If you’re interested in a personalized reading, check out my Etsy shop at