Week Ahead: April 30-May 6, 2018

Monday again?! It’s true, and this will feel like a very “Monday” week overall, where challenges abound and a persevering mindset will be required. I had to laugh at myself picking along this morning having already pulled the cards for this week’s post, noticing how much what was happening fit in with the messages for the week — I was struggling with the double-stroller and its flat wheels/rust issues which were increased by only having Ori which affected the weight balance, trying to hold an umbrella because it was pouring while steering with the other hand. At one point it crossed my mind that I hoped someone driving by saw me and felt better about their own day!!

At any rate, this is not a particularly busy week astrologically, although the few major aspects that form will have massive clout!

On Tuesday evening around 11:24 pm, Venus forms a Quincunx with Saturn. A quincunx represents a misunderstanding, a need for adjustment, requiring a new approach; Venus in Gemini wants to flit and flirt, while Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn needs order, predictability, and focus on dotting all the i’s and crossing the t’s. No fun for Venus!! Tuesday evening it may feel like your creativity or your affections are being squashed by reality, and your best bet will be to roll with it and try to find some middle ground that keeps the fun alive but also makes room for making solid plans for the future.

On Saturday, Mercury in Aries quincunxes Jupiter in Scorpio around 1:00 pm AST. Quincunx city!! Here we have the planet of war and passion, on its home turf, finding conflict with the planet of luck and expansion in the sign of secrecy and also passion — a recipe for some passionate revelations!! Goodness, this is a good week to share any secrets you’ve been harbouring, because there’s a good chance the lid will be blown off one way or another by the time Saturday rolls around. Whatever results from this aspect will surely feel constructive, but could feel quite fiery and hellish in the midst.

On Sunday the Sun in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces around 10:56 am AST. If you’re still reeling from Saturday, this will provide an opportunity to re-ground and reassess the “illusions” you’ve been hanging on to, and to start thinking towards how to create better and more beautiful systems of security in your life, how to redefine your personal boundaries in a way that allows you to feel inspired and unshakeable.

This week the Moon moves from intense Scorpio (how about that Full Moon last night?) through Sagittarius and Capricorn, finishing the week in Aquarius. This will be a week of unpacking the past to redetermine the next destination, then putting the plan into action and reaching out to find new innovations for making things work <3<3

week ahead april 30-may 6 backs

This week’s cards are drawn from Astrological Oracle Cards, Oracle of the Mermaids, and Tarot of Mermaids. I laid out a crystal grid of various special shells, a dolomite fish and dolphin for energies of flowing abundance and fun, agatized corals for deeper understanding of your personal patterns, a big carnelian for creativity and connection with your emotional body, landscape jasper for protection of your plans and inspiration to create ones that are far-reaching, chevron amethyst for release from anxiety and connection with your Higher Self, and black onyx for grounding and protection of your personal energy.

To begin, let’s look at the Shadow cards, indicating the underlying theme of the week ahead:

week ahead april 30-may 6 sh

Shadow Cards: Aquarius + 37. Visions reversed + 0 – The Fool

Yes, this week will require a totally revolutionized mindset! You’ve been seeing yourself as a “fish out of water,” not noticing the leaps and bounds you’ve made towards becoming 100% legitimate at what you’re doing — it’s time to see yourself as the real deal, to stop looking for “signs” and detaching yourself a bit emotionally as you settle in to how very real this is now. You have built the necessary structures and now have room to innovate at a new level, one that is no longer a place of fantasy! Your perspective needs to match up with this, and you need to start functioning will full belief in what you have created and the direction you are taking this next. Stop dreaming, start believing, and go!

week ahead april 30-may 6 main

Oracle Cards: Saturn + 31. Coral’s Wisdom

That being said, just because it’s real now doesn’t mean it will come together quickly! No, there is lots of work ahead, testing your structure’s stability and making the necessary adjustments. Challenging to be sure! Trust in the power of time, both that there is enough of it to get everything done, and in your own command of your own time and your ability to make good choices surrounding when to do what. This new beat is becoming a part of you, and you are growing and flourishing as a result of the major life decisions you have made in recent months. You are building your legacy and have really only just begun — what’s that about “Rome wasn’t built in a day?”

Card 1: Focus for the week ahead: 5 of Swords

Indeed, the picture of me struggling along in the rain comes to mind: this will be a week of conflicts, of mental battles, of being presented with messy debris and having to decide precisely what you’re going to do with it. Thank goodness it’s cleanup week in my town so the literal garbage can actually be tossed to the curb for good! It’s the mental stuff that will be harder — and also more necessary — to sort effectively. When thoughts or circumstances pop up that you’d rather not deal with, it’s probably a good time to take a close look at them to determine why you’re so averse! This week it will be very important to look for solutions, because sweeping things under the rug won’t work.

Card 2: Release: 7 of Swords

It’s so funny, I feel like I’m writing the astro advice out again! Truly, this week it’s time to be honest, honest, honest on a newer and higher level than ever before! Skeletons are coming out of closets all over the place, so own yours on your own terms before someone busts it out on you on theirs. Even if you were keeping this to yourself because it felt like that was the best way, do some soul-searching about potential outcomes of sharing. Everyone is put at a disadvantage when something is being withheld, and being honest will feel like a weight has been lifted as new solutions will be opened up for exploration.

Card 3: Energy to Increase: 10 of Swords

Even though these first three tarot cards are some of the “most negative” in the deck, I was laughing as I turned them over — it’s like the week went “pow! slap! punch! haha!!” Yes, there’s no escaping the “realness” of this week, and the way to make the best of it will be to be honest with yourself about that last pattern that you need to break. You know you can’t continue on like this, you know that making this one energetic change will allow you to both feel and be more effective in your daily routine — all this requires (“all this requires,” haha!) is one teensy shift in your thinking. Mine is “I don’t have time to do a load of laundry every morning.” The answer is yes I do, and it will save me the time that load takes in searching for tiny socks and underwear because I’ll know that there’s at least a pair for everybody done. Now, to put that plan into action…!

Card 4: Best Advice: Knight of Cups

Aww <3<3 this was like a nice little hug after all those challenging Swords cards! Ultimately, get yourself through this week by constantly reminding yourself that you had a dream, you took action on it, and it is more real than ever now — you really are living that dream, you’re following your heart, and everything is going exactly how it should. These growing pains are you expanding to fill your bigger boots, you living up to your purpose, you reaching new levels of accessing your truth! This is so, so beautiful and you should be as proud of yourself as everyone else is. You are a shooting star, and trudging through this week’s challenges will find you that much closer to feeling like the diamond being formed under all this pressure <3<3 When I flipped this card the lyrics “take a chance on me” popped into my head — this week, support may be found in unexpected places, and the power of love will be a major player in making everything feel like it’s going to be okay (here’s a secret: it is!!).

Now for the Higher Self cards, a message of hope moving forward:

week ahead april 30-may 6 hs

Higher Self Cards: Sagittarius + 2. Transparency + 4 of Swords

Oh yes, keep shooting for the stars — if anything you’ll notice that this week’s challenges are not about lack, but rather gain; everything you’re forced to deal with will hold some sort of reward, something that in overcoming will further fuel you to seek out the next step. This is because you truly have touched on something that’s so authentically you that nothing can keep you from living it, from vibing on it, from being lifted up through the very knowledge that you get to do this as a part of your real life experience. Whoa!! That’s kind of overwhelming, accepting that things are on the right track — as always this week, if it all becomes too much at any point, your Higher Self has thrown you the “nap card:” a temporary check-out to check-back-in, recharge, get up and keep going!

This week is a gateway, like the “second gate” after the massive one presented at the Full Moon on Sunday — you’ve entered the antechamber and are getting closer to the treasure. This week you’ll be feeling around for the “key,” the key to striking the balance that will free up the flow — this will be an ongoing theme as we get deeper into May, which promises to have its share of zany and unexpected occurrences as Uranus prepares to move into Taurus on the 15th. We’re in the Shadow of this shift and things are already changing — manage your energy levels as best you can and remember that you’re doing amazing work towards making this everything it can be <3<3

This is an example of the $25 4-Card Reading in my Etsy shop! If you’re interested in a full month of personalized readings like this, feel free to use the coupon code 4WEEKS25 for 25% off the purchase of four 4-Card Readings — the 4th week is free! I look forward to working with you <3<3

Decks used:

Astrological Oracle Cards. Lunaea Weatherstone and Antonella Castelli. Llewellyn, 2012.

Oracle of the Mermaids. Lucy Cavendish. Artwork by Selina Fenech. Victoria, Australia: Blue Angel Publishing, 2013.

Tarot of Mermaids. Lo Scarabeo. Llewellyn Publications, 2003.

Full Moon in Scorpio: April 29, 2018

Today is the Full Moon in Scorpio! I’ve been feeling this one intensely, experiencing all kinds of old memories and patterns being dredged up for consideration — Scorpio is the sign of passion, of intensity, of secrets and deep-soul exploration, and with the Full Moon happening at 9 degrees, this moon will very much be about healing the past in a way that transforms the future, welcoming in new energy of rising above the past and its darknesses with greater self-understanding and renewed vigour to seek meaning and purpose in your life. Transformational experiences have been the theme lately, leaving us all feeling like raw little babies re-learning how to settle down and relax into our given circumstances. This Full Moon will help to integrate all that’s been going on, and provide the opportunity to help your manifestations along with some potent Scorpio-energy intention-setting!

This Full Moon’s reading is drawn from the Sacred Rebels Oracle, Dreaming Way Lenormand, and Dreaming Way Tarot. Where I usually read the oracle cards together, this time I’ll read the oracle card alone and combine the Lenormand and tarot cards. I laid out a crystal grid of moonstone to connect with the energy of the Full Moon and help shed light on your personal cycles, crazy lace agate to find grounding through laughter, citrine to boost your self-confidence and highlight your best ideas, two rhyolite to connect your sense of creativity with what you want to express from the heart, pyrite for powerful manifestation energy, and chrysocolla for clear and effective communication of what you are preparing to bring forward.

This was meant to be a 3-Card Tarot reading with 2 Oracle cards (I draw 3 Lenormand cards when I use those decks as oracles), but I had a jumper when shuffling the Dreaming Way Tarot! These are such lively, communicative decks <3<3

To begin, let’s look at the Shadow cards for this Full Moon reading, indicating the underlying themes at present:

full moon in scorpio sh

Shadow Cards: 29. Seeing the True You + 1. Rider + Ace of Cups reversed

The energy surrounding this Full Moon is very much about seeing yourself in a very real, very raw light, in such a way that you’re spurred to take action towards self-betterment — this is not a new line of thinking, but rather one that’s been percolating for a while now. You’ve been reflecting on this often recently, playing with the idea, feeling out what it would be like to bring it forth — you know it will require letting something go for good, an outpouring that will definitely be emotional! You also know how very good it will feel to allow yourself to enter that space, how you will bubble up and bask in the refreshing new way that letting this one thing go will free up the new flow you know you need.

full moon in scorpio main

Oracle Card: 6. Shock of the New + Page of Cups (jumper)

You have grown so much lately, and are now integrating all the personal revelations you’ve had recently, navigating the new ways you’ve begun to process your emotions and experience joy and wonder. You are fully opening up to how purely fun, nice, and surprising life can be, and you are ready to take the measures needed to feel “full” again. You’ve been testing the waters where it comes to actually speaking forth what you need to find emotional balance, and to your delight, you feel heard and responded to! Keep trusting that thing will be coming up roses and guided by love, that the intensity of recent weeks has been your heart and soul adjusting to the new frequency you’ve reached! Feeling like you’re fumbling is just your learning process at this new life-level.

Past – What You’ve Come Through: 29. Lady + 18 – The Moon

Yes, even though it’s felt like all the creepy-crawlies and critters from your deepest subconscious have come to visit you lately, as a result you have grown so, so much as a person! If you don’t notice it, you’ve probably been noticing comments about your poise or efficiency, brushing them aside but later pondering on them and examining why you do or don’t believe them to be true. You have done a thorough check-in with the cycles you’ve been experiencing, and you have settled into the knowledge of what needs to be done to make you feel much more like yourself on a regular basis, and healthier/ more whole in the long run.

Present – Where You Are Now: 36. Cross + 1. The Magician

It’s tough work, realizing your full potential and committing to using your natural gifts! It requires a cooling of the ego, a degree of modesty while showing your true self and living by your own code. Well, you’ve found yours and are learning its deeper nuances, its exciting and sometimes frustrating intricacies, feeling out the weight of your calling and learning how to work your personal magic in a way that is responsible and consistent. Good for you, because this is one of the most challenging processes ever!! Keep at it, and know that the new start you’ve made was a total step in the right direction, trusting the journey to unfold for the best. It may get harder before it gets easier, but you know what you’re working towards and you fully have the skills to do it!

Future – Where You Are Headed: 32. Moon + 21. The World

No kidding about things getting harder before they get easier — you are at a massive turning point where it comes to settling in to Who You Really Are, and so naturally challenges to your mettle will abound. Try thinking of them as you do of the pop quizzes sprung on you in school: do you remember any of those now? Nah, but they taught you to expect the unexpected, grumble a bit, and move on more or less unscathed. Real life has an interesting way of presenting similar challenges, over and over, until you notice the patterns and do what you need to to break the cycles that deter you and embrace the ones that push you forward — right now you are aware of both a very big cycle that needs breaking, as well as the new one beginning that promises to sweep you away towards much bigger and better ways of using your time and talents. “Challenge” will be the name of the game as you learn to wield your new personal power, glowing with possibility, stepping into this new cycle ready to make powerful use of your time and energy come what may. The Month of May itself is sure to be filled with massive changes as Uranus moves from Aries into Taurus — brace yourself and trust in upcoming developments to be for your greater good <3<3

Now for the Higher self cards, a message of hope moving forward:

full moon in scorpio hs

Higher Self Cards: 28. Collaborative Dreaming + 27. Letter + 8 of Pentacles

Indeed, if anything this Full Moon will show you who you want to work with and how you want to use your skills moving forward. Be open to receive any messages, especially surrounding your personal strengths, as these will inspire your next steps towards stabilizing all that you’ve been working towards! This will be a period of teamwork and support, as you put the finishing touches on something important and prepare to send it out into the world. You know what has been blocking you from sharing your ideas and being receptive to others’, and you are ready to find new ways to collaborate and share space.

This Full Moon in Scorpio, know that you have been putting your energy towards exactly what needs to be nurtured at this time! Focus on manifesting the structure you now know more than ever that you need, and be open to the new experiences that making the necessary changes to achieve that structure will bring. Your relationships will be in a better place as a result of making known your emotional needs, and you will feel better able to focus as a result of voicing your truth. Even if you can’t find the words, as the saying goes, sometimes actions speak louder! This Full Moon is a massive gateway towards building the life you’ve been envisioning for yourself — keep that vision in mind and open yourself to the opportunities and experiences to come <3<3

Decks Used:

Dreaming Way Lenormand. Lynn Araujo. Illustrated by Kwon Shina. U.S. Games Systems, 2016.

Dreaming Way TarotRome Choi. Illustrated by Kwon Shina. U.S. Games Systems, 2012.

Sacred Rebels Oracle. Alana Fairchild. Illustrated by Autumn Skye Morrison. Blue Angel Publishing, 2017 (2nd Edition).

Week Ahead: April 23-29, 2018

Phew! It’s finally feeling like Spring has actually sprung — the air is warm and the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and you finally feel like what you’ve been waiting for is here — and it is <3<3 This week the Moon makes her way from Leo through to a Full Moon in Scorpio on Sunday. It’s a week of fiery, driven energy, of identifying important details and making choices, of listening to and tending to your soul and its purpose. This week is about taking stock, deciding where you stand, and embracing all you’ve been given as you continue to make amazing use of it!

In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, around 2:13 am, Mars forms a sextile with Jupiter. This represents an opportunity to expand on your passion, to spread was fires you up as far as it can go! On Tuesday evening around 9:41 pm, Venus sextiles Chiron, providing an opportunity to see your past pain/wounds in a new, more loving light, and in turn to use those experiences as an inspirational stepping stone to planning something beautiful.

Wednesday finds Mercury forming a trine with Saturn around 6:28 pm, making it easy to think through what until this point had been an obstacle — most likely this ease was made possible by yesterday’s Venus/Chiron realization.

Thursday starts of with a bang, one that could go either way, as Mars conjuncts Pluto at 8 am. This represents a blending of the energies of the gods of War and Passion and of Death and Destruction — oh my!! This day’s events will either feel spiritually transformational or chaotic and messy, and it’s really up to you to choose how you process any conflicts encountered.

The week closes with the Full Moon in Scorpio at 9:58 PM — time to celebrate Lunar Beltane (with Beltane/May Day this coming Tuesday!

For this week’s spread I wanted to do something a little different — I always get all swept up in how beautiful the cards backs alone look just before I turn the cards in a spread, so I want to start sharing a “card back” picture for everyone to enjoy <3<3

week ahead apr 23-29 backs

This week’s spread is drawn from the Mary-el Tarot, Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards, and the Ostara Tarot. I laid out a crystal grid of moonstone to maximize the positive effects of the charged energy of the upcoming Full Moon, as well as for increased understanding of your persona cycles, black onyx for grounding and protection of your personal energy, mookaite for the inspiration to ground yourself through creative/productive outlets, tiger’s eye for courage and inner strength as well as manifestation power, rose quartz for compassion for your Self and others,’ and leopardskin jasper for ferociously unbiased understanding of the personal patterns you wish to gain control over for personal betterment and healing moving forward <3<3

To begin, let’s look at this week’s Shadow cards, indicating the underlying theme of the week ahead:

week ahead apr 23-29 sh

Shadow Cards: 7 of Cups + Pele | Divine Passion + Page of Cups

Wow!! You are brimming with zest and vigour, full of ideas and potentials, all spurred on by intense connection with your emotions and intuition. Things are roiling around in such a way that it’s best to hold back at least a little bit, to play with your ideas on your own for now, testing out what will work with “in a way that makes you happy” as the criteria. I know I’ve been test-driving a few creative possibilities, with some clearly being too time-consuming/frustrating to be continued while others are fun and efficient — keep experimenting, keep laughing, keep thriving on what makes your heart and soul howl with delight!

week ahead apr 23-29 main

Oracle Cards: 3 of Cups reversed + Mother Mary | Expect a Miracle

This week is full of crackling potential of every kind — it is so, so important that you maintain a positive and open mindset so that all the good that’s coming your way makes it to you, in turn deflecting the less favourable potentialities that could crop up in moments of frustration and discontent. Go easy on yourself when you’re feeling less-than-friendly or at times when unfriendliness visits you through interactions with others — these flubs will turn around almost as quickly as they began, and can be released safely with the knowledge that things are growing, flowing, and evolving beyond mundane quibbles and quabbles. You’re really starting to branch out to new heights, and observing your own reactions and unshakeability this week will provide you sound evidence of that very growth! You are able to trust that things are moving in the direction you need them to, and you are in position to receive exactly what you have being praying for with all of your heart.

Card 1: Focus for the Week: 9 of Pentacles

Mmm ❤ This card has been stalking us reversed the past several months, as transformations were made and comfort zones were redefined! Well, take this as permission to “settle in” again, to know that you’ve been doing everything right and have very much gotten things back to where you want them. You can be very proud of everything that you’ve worked for, and can feel safe allowing yourself to enjoy it!! Take some time to bask this week, to look around and soak in everything good that’s been achieved, to make note — even literally in a journal — of what you are happy to have at the moment, and of what you can see your current bounty developing into further.

Card 2: Release: XVIII – The Moon reversed

That’s not to say you should turn a blind eye on what is so, so obviously not working at this point that there’s no way you can’t see it! There are a few “will-nots” still clinging on, like rotten wiggly teeth that you haven’t found the gumption to tug off for good. It’s coming, and perhaps mercifully, at this point even if you don’t do anything about this it will fall away on its own — but do know that you still have some control over the way it unfolds should you choose to play a direct role in this ending. This has been building up for so long that at the very least, you know exactly how you feel about it and where you stand. Sometimes it’s okay to give up on hope for something, because that hope-energy can be put to much better use in the other far more hopeful and glowing areas of your life!

Card 3: Energy to Increase: Knight of Swords reversed

Yes, you also know at this point how you yourself have been “hurtful” in the past, and are very focused on changing your patterns in order to be a better listener, a clearer thinker, and a lifelong learner where it comes to interacting and sharing ideas with others. you’ve realized that when you cut others down, you cut yourself too, and the latter is what takes the longest to heal — you are so done with thrashing words, with cutting sentiments, with situations that spin out of control for lack of forethought and lack of emotional sensitivity. You are ready to start wielding your sword for peace, both for yourself and for the people you choose to surround yourself with, and you are ready to join minds with others in such a way everyone feels better represented and protected for the long haul.

Card 4: Best Advice: 3 of Swords

This week will hold its share of triggering memories — I’m looking right at that Venus/Chiron sextile. There’ll be some very real bandaid-ripping, which you can allow to be a helpful process for healing. At points you may feel like everything you’ve been patching together and sewing up has blasted apart and unraveled, but this is an illusion — this is a test. Things are so much different than they were then, and if you compare the facts against the fantasies, you’ll see how much progress has been made. Our mental wilderness is there as a counter-point, an ever-present Shadow to provide contrast to the Light of what is so very true and real. For example, I often start down paths of “I can never get anything done” and “this isn’t how I though it would be,” but when I think of when I was a little girl dreaming of my grown-up life, I wanted to be an artist, have a nice partner and two babies, and lots of pets. Here I am with all those boxes ticked, and even other things to add as bonuses! It sure looks different than I could have ever imagined, but darn if all my wishes haven’t come true, and a little probing in to your own life should find at least a similar box or two that is happily filled. This week will require some creative thinking to make it through the more intense transits, with perspective and grounding for the long haul the main prescriptions for pushing through.

Now for the HIgher Self cards, a message of hope moving forward!

week ahead apr 23-29 hs

Higher Self Cards: III – The Empress + Coventina | Purification + Queen of Wands

This week’s Shadow/Higher Self cards have such a cool trajectory — we move from emotional overwhelm and the youthful energy of the Page through to feminine mastery, nurturing, and blossoming into the passionate power of the Queen! This week plants the seeds for some incredible creative growth, for settling into your purpose and realizing how and where you are needed. Letting go of what holds you back finds you rising like a butterfly, a beacon of peace and hope, feeling colourful and totally inspired to continue forward with what you have started in an amazing and heart-directed way. You have gathered your resources, you have connected with your vision, and now you are giving it the space, the time, and the care it needs to grow and flourish.

This week will have its share of shake-ups, but you know what you’re doing in such a way that you also know that “pulling back” from the fray will actually help your course in the long run. You are so, so close to what you’ve wanted, and can allow yourself to get “comfortable” with your current circumstances — things are feeling more stable, and they are, with a few more rumbles to get everything as close to perfect as can humanly be. When the opportunities arise, choose to examine your past wounds — gently, of course, with the curiosity and tenderness of a child. Know that you are blossoming into your full power, and that the laser-focus you’ve felt rising is becoming clearer and more defined, allowing you to see the path ahead with greater clarity than ever before. Keep taking baby steps as you continue to grow, and keep at the work still to be done re: fully feeling like you deserve what you’ve strived so hard for — you do, you really do! Allow yourself to settle in to your own life; this is now, not then, and things really can be different <3<3

This is an example of the $25 4-Card Reading in my Etsy shop! If you’re interested in a full month of personalized readings like this, feel free to use the coupon code 4WEEKS25 for 25% off the purchase of four 4-Card Readings — the 4th week is free! I look forward to working with you <3<3

Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. Doreen Virtue. Various artists. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc., 2004.

The Mary-el Tarot. Marie White. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, 2012.

Ostara Tarot. Morgan Applejohn, Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard, and Julia Iredale. Schiffer Books, 2017.

Week Ahead: April 16-22, 2018

Wow!! Can you feel the fresh, new energy that seemed to rush in with the start of this week? Mercury Retrograde is over, and that’s only the beginning of the shifts that are underway. Now that we’re back on the “waxing” side of the Moon’s compass, we feel more motivated than ever to really get a move-on with our plans for the future. This is another week packed with astrological happenings! The Moon makes its way from Aries, the first sign of the zodiac (Happy Astro-Moon New Year!) all the way through to Leo — this week begins feeling fresh, new, and full of high, toddler-type energy! Everything feels shiny, new, and full of potential <3<3

On Tuesday around 4 am AST, Venus forms an opposition with Jupiter. This will be felt in the form of recognizing where balance can be found between what we love and our actual “fortunes” — a revelation surrounding what can be done to make use of the skills and resources we already have that will find them expanding. This is closely followed by Chiron, the asteroid represented by the “Wounded Healer,” moving out of Pisces and into Aries around 5:11 am AST. Where before you were feeling those wounds painfully and emotionally, now you are ready to use them as motivation, as fuel to propel you towards bigger and better. Then at 10:04 am AST, Venus forms a trine with Pluto — that Jupiter-revelation is provided some passionate inspiration, the easy support it needs to really gain momentum. Keep this one on the front burner and close to your heart, as you’ll be working on it a while — Saturn goes Retrograde at 10:46 pm AST, finding us slowing down and going back over the details of all that’s been started in recent months. This is a good time to focus on what is already working, what is already in motion — Saturn is great for pointing out mistakes, but also fro providing solid solutions. If you’re proud of what you’ve been doing, this retrograde should be very productive. If you’re not, well — here come boundless opportunities to answer for any slip-ups and to make amends!

Wednesday the Sun opposes Uranus around 11:00 am AST — in a natal chart, this is referred to as a “genius aspect.” Prepare to be massively inspired in some life-changing way!

Thursday at 1:12 am AST, Uranus is Apogee, or at the furthest point from Earth in its orbit — these have been times of sudden and incredible change, and that influence will feel “lessened” at least for a little while. Thursday will be a good day for “gaining your bearings” and regrounding, especially as the Sun moves into Taurus. Focus on stability, but also “treat yo’self” if you feel so inspired — goodness me, you deserve it!

On Friday, the Moon is Perigree (closest to Earth) around 11:42 am, and soon after it forms a sextile with the Sun at 12:16 pm — you will receive an emotional/intuitive nudge that feels positively life-changing, kick-starting an opportunity to really connect with yourself and how you feel about all that’s been going on in your life.

On Sunday, Pluto joins Saturn in Retrograde (both in Capricorn too — holy reflection on our careers and personal progress, Batman!) around 12:25 pm AST. Now we’re in the position to think about all the transforming that’s been going on in a deep, soul-connected way. This will be highlighted in the evening, when the Sun squares the Moon around 6:45 pm AST — you’ll feel challenged, but in such a way that you kick yourself in the pants to really get a move on for the week to come!

week ahead apr 15-21 main

For this reading, I drew from the Wild Kuan Yin Oracle, the Kuan Yin Oracle, and the Feng Shui Tarot. These are my favourite decks for “career”-type readings, very conducive to the astrological energies and the theme of inspiration and opportunity that runs through this week! I laid out a crystal grid of dragon’s blood jasper to connect you with your “inner fire” and help you express it from the heart, red jasper for grounding, tiger’s eye for courage and inner strength, moonstone for connection with and understanding of your personal cycles, black obsidian for further grounding and protection/healing of your personal energy, blue lace agate to help you express your truth clearly and effectively, sodalite to connect you with your intuition, carnelian for creativity and emotional understanding, and red tiger’s eye for even further grounding through connection with your personal passion.

First, let’s look at the Shadow cards, indicating the underlying theme of the week ahead:

week ahead apr 15-21 sh

Shadow Cards: 24. Princess of Purity Leaps Across + 1. Bamboo Moon + V – The Hierophant reversed

Yes, if anything the tense happenings of the past few weeks were a “cleansing process,” finding you feeling much freer to dance forth with your own ideas! You have truly grown so much, and are feeling much calmer, much more centered, much more settled in your personal truth. You have broken away from a “larger structure,” whether it was an institution, a person with more social authority, or even just a deep-seated mindset that you knew was oppressing you more than it was furthering your needs. Either way, you have turned the past on its head, and have risen above the tensions to such a place where you can see what you’re working with and you know what you want to do with it.

Oracle Cards: 23. Anchor to Fly + 15. Ivory Swan Goddess

You have been accomplishing such amazing things — it’s been hard to mark your progress because you’re so deeply “in” to what you’re doing. You have come through such a big and beautiful transformation — you are a sight to behold!! And truly, you have shown yourself to be an important point of grounding for others — your example is such that people are turning to you, looking up to you, seeking your wisdom and support on their own paths. This will be overwhelming at first, but is the first sure sign of success in your field — you are doing it, and you are so freakin’ legit that you can know that when “imposter syndrome” starts to creep in and make you want to hide your shining face, you can know that that’s just even further confirmation that you’ve made it and can, should, must continue to shine your unique and important light so those who need it will find you.

Card 1: Focus for the Week: Queen of Wands reversed + 3 of Wands (jumper)

I had to laugh when this pair came out of the deck! This week, there are a few things holding you back from really feeling like you’re “sitting in your power” — and those things are emails!! Or at the very least, some sort of message/communication that you know needs to be sent out, you’ve just been feeling too shy or have been having a hard time finding your words. No need to hold back any more — Mercury retrograde is over and with it some of that tongue-tied, shrinking-violet feeling should lift with it. Getting this done will really free you up to focus your passion more appropriately, and will also help you feel calmer in your interactions with others — lightening your load by checking this off your list will help you feel in a much better place to proceed with everything else.

Card 2: Release: 4 of Wands reversed

LOL!! The cards are being very “direct” this week — seriously, if you get one thing done this week, it’s the correspondences mentioned above. File that application, send that resume, make that phone call. At this point, that is almost the *only* reason you’re feeling less happy than you could be feeling. Just do it! This is something that really, really can’t happen on its own, and it needs your particular brand of passionate fire to be expressed properly. You can do it, and in doing so you’ll feel so much better, so much more responsible, so much more ready to accept the amazing things on their way to you <3<3

Card 3: Energy to Increase: 9 of Cups reversed

It’s true that, especially with Saturn and Pluto going retrograde, it’s time to pull up the ol’ bootstraps and stop being so indulgent. Poop, I know, but in order for things to get moving in the direction your heart wants them to go, sacrifices must be made! This very much agrees with the “release” cards, as well as the Bay Laurel reversed oracle card from last week — the wishes have been made, and now is a time for doing. Get up, get out, and get a move on — in order to fully heal your situation, you need to put in the work. At least you know what to do and have already begun making headway! You know that this is no time for rest — keep smiling, keep pushing through, and know that you are truly making something meaningful through the work you’ve chosen to dedicate yourself to.

Card 4: Best Advice: Knight of Pentacles

Beautiful <3<3 Yes, your best advice now is to make a working plan — hopefully you started this already, and have done a lot of the sentient, “thinking” work towards what needs to be done. Now it’s time to start moving, slowly but surely, aware that it will take a long time to see “results,” but that each step on the path can absolutely be seen as progress. You’ve set all this in motion, and that is something to be so, so proud of! You’re about to be provided with lots and lots of time to try, test, reevaluate, and reconfigure, tweaking your model to perfection for when Saturn goes direct again in September, taking all you achieve in the meantime to new heights. Keep chipping away, keep making adjustments, and always keep your end-goal in mind — you’re making your way up the mountain, and now that you’re equipped with a more solid sense than ever of what you’re really made of, nothing at all can stop you  <3<3

Now for the Higher Self cards, a message of hope moving forward:

week ahead apr 15-21 hs

Higher Self Cards: 29. Blessing of the Kite Dancer + 37. The
Lotus Throne + 0 – The Fool

I almost have tears in my eyes at the positivity here! Things really are different, and the shifting that is underway can only bring you to a better place. The winds of change blowing in are here to lift you up, to carry you higher than ever before, but in such a way that you also feel much more stable, much more healthy, and truly, like you are actually blossoming. This has been a long, slow growing process, and it is far from over, but you feel much more open as a result of releasing your expectations and relying on utter faith in the path you have chosen to take you exactly where you need to be. And oh my — are you ever on your way!!

This is a time to persevere with what’s already been started — here comes the tests to the strength of your mettle, but you’ve already weathered so much that nothing can sway you, and what does provides answers surrounding what can still be changed. No need to overthink or get yourself wound up — everyone else is doing enough of that! You are seen as a pillar of strength, even when you don’t feel like one, and all you need to do is keep doing as you observe your own next steps and watch the next chapter unfold. These are exciting times — you are rising up and out of the past, making personal history, and writing the future the way you know it needs to be <3<3

This is an example of the $25 4-Card Reading in my Etsy shop! If you’re interested in a full month of personalized readings like this, feel free to use the coupon code 4WEEKS25 for 25% off the purchase of four 4-Card Readings — the 4th week is free! I look forward to working with you <3<3

Feng Shui Tarot. Eileen Connolly and Peter Paul Connolly. Published by U.S. Game Systems. Scans via Tarot.com, August 27, 2015. Illustrations from Feng Shui Tarot used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902. c. 2001 by U.S. Games Systems.  All rights reserved. [Out of Print]

Kuan Yin Oracle. Alana Fairchild. Artwork by Zeng Hao. Victoria, Australia: Blue Angel Publishing, 2012.

Wild Kuan Yin Oracle. Alana Fairchild. Artwork by Wang Yiguang. Victoria, Australia: Blue Angel Publishing, 2015. (pictured: First Edition; link is to purchase Second Edition)



New Moon in Aries: April 15, 2018

It’s the New Moon in Aries! Just as the Sun moving into Aries marked the beginning of a new astrological year, this New Moon marks the start of a New Year of Moon cycles. The New Moon is the “darkest” part of the month, where you feel most introspective, as well as most aware of what you are ready to let go of for good! This is a time for setting intentions and thinking towards where we want to be at the Full Moon. Happening at 20 degrees Aries, this New Moon will find you very much reflecting on your “calling” and what you hope to do with it.

This Three Voices reading is drawn from the Moon Phases Oracle, the Mary-el Tarot, and the Morgan-Greer Tarot. The New Moon is a great time for Shadow work, and these are some of my facourite decks for that type of reading — dark and serious, but also straightforward and magical ♡♡

I laid out a crystal grid of white opal for Higher Self connection, petrified wood for ancestral support, amegreen to unite your heart and your higher consciousness, moonstone to fully connect with the New Moon’s energy, yellow banded agate to remind you of the brightness of your purpose, carnelian for creativity and emotional understanding, black onyx for grounding and protection of your personal energy, and bloodstone for further grounding through the way you communicate your heart’s truth.

First, let’s look at the Shadow cards:

Shadow Cards: Song + 8 of Cups + King of Pentacles reversed
Yes, you can no longer ignore your heart’s pull towards something. You’re ready to leave the past behind, fully knowing that this will be a long but absolutely, positively rewarding process. It will require some major personal grounding, as soul-connected work can be very rocky, but you have what it takes to nurture this to fruitition ♡♡

Dusk + 2 of Swords + Queen of Cups reversed

You’re lowering the curtain on how things were, ready to feel your way through the decisions ahead of you. You’re well aware that this will be an intense emotional process, but you are ready to really find out what your soul is made of as you take action on your dreams! The recent weeks have found you pulled all the way down to the bottom of your personal depths, but as a result you have a clear picture of exactly what you’re made of, and you’re ready to take the best and use it to start creating, in such a way that finds you far more open to “receive” than ever before!

Now for the Higher Self Cards, a message of hope moving forward:

Higher Self Cards: Calling + Page of Swords + 5 of Cups

Wowee, following your calling is a running theme across all of this New Moon’s cards! Prepare to run with your new line of thinking, again knowing that it will involve picking your way through old emotional minefields as you explore what can now be released and what should now be pursued. What has been “spilled” doesn’t have to be regarded as a loss — it’s a part of you that you can proudly see as part of the experience that’s brought you to Now, finding you ready to share your story and bare your truth with more authenticity than ever before.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable now, especially where it comes to sharing how you really think, how you really feel, and what you really want from life! This New Moon, take it easy, recharge, contemplate all that’s transpired, and prepare for your personal launch into the rest of your life ♡♡

This is an example of the $10 Super One-Card reading, available in my Etsy shop! Feel free to use the coupon code THANKS15 for 15% off at checkout ♡♡

Week Ahead: April 9-15, 2018

This is a big week! The year as a whole is gearing up to get a lot more interesting, with the added advice that if you’re still feeling ungrounded at this point, find a way to stabilize yourself as soon as possible — be it a friend who always makes you feel better, a practice that centres you in a spiritual, physical (walking/jogging), or creative (art, music, etc) way (mine is tarot, astrology, and noticing/taking joy in things like clouds, birds, etc in nature). This will be of indescribable value as things start to feel more intense and off-the-rails as the structures we continue to cling to continue to fall away. This year started full of hope, and as it’s played out we’re finding that the “hope” is what we need to hang on to as tightly as we can, because life is working on our side to get rid of what absolutely is not!

Yes, there’s a lot going on this week astrologically — the Moon will be moving through Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries, finding us thinking about our place in society as a whole and using that first for creative inspiration, and then as fuel for some real action. And yet, this is a conflicting energy as this is also the week of the New Moon — our bodies and minds will be telling us to shut down, while the general energy is telling us to amp up and do, do, do! Do your best to find a personal balance here: do what you can, but go easy on yourself when you know you don’t have enough steam to finish something just yet.

On Tuesday the Sun sextiles the Moon around 10:11 am AST, in the form of you identifying an opportunity for personal growth — this may be something you just think on/incubate for a while as you gain a clearer picture of how it can and will play out for you.

On Wednesday the Sun squares Pluto at 1:54 am, closely followed by Venus trining Mars at 3:02 am; you’ll probably be asleep when these transits are exact, which could result in some intense dreams! Try recording them in the morning for answers to add to Tuesday’s inspiration, as you’ll gain a clear picture of what feels like it may destroy you, but with the bonus of seeing how you can use this to your advantage to actually make your life easier.

Thursday Venus sextiles Neptune at 1:26 pm, again providing a cool opportunity to “daydream productively.” You’ll be confronted with both your own fantasies as well as any lingering illusions, in such a way that you can process them better and start deciding what to do next.

On Saturday the week’s opportunities continue, with Jupiter sextile Pluto around 6:58 am — the realization connected with Sun square Pluto will prove its benefit today, and you will receive a massive opportunity to start your transformation’s unfolding. Goodness! Later that afternoon, Mars sextiles Neptune around 2:27 pm, taking Thursday’s daydream and breathing life into it, taking action on it much faster than expected!

Sunday, at long last, Mercury goes direct around 6:21 am — in combination with Saturday’s opportunities, Sunday you’ll wake up feeling like things are different. And they are! Sunday is also the New Moon, the time to set intentions for what to release for good, and the time for thinking about the new beginnings to come as this busy week ends and another begins.

…so many sextiles! Sextiles are the aspects of opportunity, and this week will be full of them, adding to the vibe of wanting to rest but knowing you need to keep going! With the Moon in innovative Aquarius, dreamy Pisces, and driven Aries for its waning period, this is a perfect time for pondering and planning for what’s next.

week ahead apr 9-15 main

This week’s reading is drawn from the Druid Animal Oracle, the Druid Plant Oracle, and the Druid Craft Tarot. I’m surprised that I’ve never read with them together, and love how well they interact — even with one of my own cards thrown in (the oracle decks come with three blank cards to fill in with your own favourite animals/plants). This week’s reading creates such an interesting and cohesive visual story! I laid out a crystal grid of raw carnelian for creativity and full feeling of any emotions that come up, two magnesite to keep you thinking clearly and feeling protected by your connection with your Higher Self, a natural cat’s eye to help you maintain your balance and remain aloof as necessary, tiger’s eye for courage and personal power, leopardskin jasper for empowerment through understanding your personal patterns, falcon’s eye for far-sighted thinking and strong communication skills, and a little pink opal that I added at the last minute because it kept jumping out of its bag — a reminder to stay heart-centered and open against the odds <3<3

First, the Shadow cards, a look at the underlying them of the week:

week ahead apr 9-15 sh

Shadow Cards: Frog + Mugwort + 2 of Wands

This week you must, must, must trust that what was going on around the Full Moon two weeks ago is playing out exactly how it should, even if you feel like matters related to it are currently beyond your control. I posted an energy update on Instagram/Facebook (note to self, post those here too) urging you to know that any “wishes” sent out at the Full Moon have been heard and are in processing — allow that to be of comfort to you, and know that whatever is on your plate right now is exactly what you need to be focusing. You are transforming, you are pushing through the mud and muck, and magic really is happening in your life and all around you! You are approaching a massive and important portal, one that really will deliver you much closer to what you do want. Keep going, knowing that where you have chosen to focus your energy is worthwhile.

Oracle Cards: Water Dragon reversed + Bay Laurel reversed

Yes, this week will feel like an emotional challenge, with the “water rising” and tempers boiling over — stay focused by simply “keeping your eyes on the prize,” doing what you can to keep your head above water, and most importantly, trusting that the ball you set rolling a few weeks ago is still in motion even though the outcome is now out of your hands. Indeed, you made your wish, and now it’s time to do your part to “give it legs” — this is not time to rest on your laurels!! Maintain your momentum in the meantime by doing whatever small-yet-active things you can to feel like you’re still making progress.

Card 1: Focus for the Week: Ace of Wands reversed

This week has a distinct “frustration” to it, as you want to begin all these creative ideas but feel held in place by a lack of physical energy, as combined with the weight of the many other tasks that still need your attention. Let the ideas you want to be working on remain lit at your core, fueling you to get all the other cr*p done at whatever pace you can currently manage. Sometimes when we feel stuck in the mud, we’re stuck there for a reason — something in particular needs your creative attention in order to become un-stuck, and addressing then releasing it will help you feel more in control.

Card 2: Release: XIX – The Sun reversed

It’s really, really time to stop believing that you don’t deserve happiness — you do!! And it’s coming to you in a major way. This week will reveal to you the many deep-seated ways that you try to stop yourself, in turn providing the opportunities you need to see these setbacks as stepping-stones instead of blocks. This will require you to look at the past with honest eyes, accepting what has been in such a way that you in turn open yourself to accepting new, lighter, brighter ways of observing and working with your reality. Welcome the darkness to make room for the light — listen to what your Inner Child has to say when it’s decision-making time, and prepare for some incredible insights.

Card 3: Energy to Increase: 6 of Swords reversed

If only we could just “move on” completely when the going gets tough, without having to address the root of those uncomfortable conflicts! This week you realize the full and amazingly healing value of examining past wounds, identifying where your boat has capsized in the past, and finally figuring out a better way to proceed feeling more whole and more connected as a result of actually tying up some mental loose ends. This will continue to be a slow process, feeling like a turtle crawling through a vast excavation site, but you know that you’re not alone in the work that needs to be done and you are finally willing to rip off the bandaid because you also know that nothing can — or will –move forward until you do. Trust that poking this wound will find you feeling empowered, as it will come with some important personal revelations leading real healing.

Card 4: Advice: XX- Rebirth

Yes, this week’s story finds us first as the seed of passion being planted, then born as the Sun-child unsure of its direction, realizing what needs to be done, and stepping back out into the light of day — vulverable and naked, yes, but also upright and more assured of its purpose than ever before. You have been observing yourself and others, weighing your actions against theirs, comparing your contributions to your own expectations of yourself. You are ready to meet and then surpass your own expectations; this week finds you reborn, a fresh and new version of yourself who can be anything you want yourself to be. Do you want to be like your old self, or do you have a vision for newer and far better?

Now for the Higher Self cards, a message of hope moving forward:

week ahead apr 9-15 hs

Higher Self Cards: Fox + Cuckoo Pint + XXI – The World

This week holds its share of challenges, finding you needing to think cleverly. Know that any deceptions that have been lingering on will be illuminated, providing you with some of the answers you need to proceed wisely. Things really are coming in to balance, and what happens this week will equip you with all the tools you need to really start creating more, doing more, sharing your truth in a more physical, audible way. In the world card the Sun/Rebirth baby is fully grown, still vulnerable but positively glowing, ready to dance forth into the new cycle, aware of its truth and prepared to share it far and wide.

Truly, this week is a time to really work with what you have; no more wishing, it’s time for doing! …at least by way of planning towards what you now know unavoidably needs to happen. It’s a time to really look at what’s holding you back and consider how you can work with those blockages as you prepare to move away from them for good. Above all, keep your eyes peeled for the bountiful opportunities being served up by the Universe — things are absolutely working to your advantage, helping you to make choices that reflect your true heart and your true self. Be kind, be gentle as this process unfolds — change is uncomfortable and right now it’s happening to everyone. Conduct yourself from a place of love, trust, and openness to receiving what is best for you and yours <3<3

This is an example of the $25 4-Card Reading in my Etsy shop! If you’re interested in a full month of personalized readings like this, feel free to use the coupon code 4WEEKS25 for 25% off the purchase of four 4-Card Readings — the 4th week is free! I look forward to working with you <3<3

Decks used:

The Druid Animal Oracle. Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, Illustrated by Bill Worthington. New York: Fireside/Simon & Schuster, 1994.

The DruidCraft Tarot. Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm. Illustrated by Will Worthington. St. Martin’s Press, 2005.

The Druid Plant Oracle. Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm. Illustrated by Will Worthington. London: Connections Book Publishing, 2007.


Week Ahead: April 2-8, 2018

Hello April! “Time” has felt so funny this year — a couple of weeks ago Steve and I were scratching our heads trying to figure out if it was the 4th or 5th month, when it was still March/ the 3rd month. Now that April’s here it’s amazing to think that we’ve entered the second “quarter” of the year! Most people sense the weight of this year, the air of importance it holds — 2018 is an “11” year, a gateway, a year of finding balance by whatever definition that holds for your own personal experience. The first leg was about gaining your bearings in utter darkness, and now the lights are coming on, allowing you to see how the next steps will take form.

This is an interesting week astrologically, with Mercury (still in retrograde) and Saturn playing major roles — the already-challenged communication planet combined with the planet that gave challenge its name? Mind your words and look for the “lesson to grow on” when things start to feel like they’re not going your way! Mars and Venus play minor roles, carrying over last week’s theme of relationships revealing where they stand and how to improve.

On Monday around 12:44 pm, Mars and Saturn form a conjunction in Capricorn — both are very happy here, and indicate some real clarity coming to you in terms of how to start acting towards getting your life, and most specifically your work/career, in order. You’ll probably find yourself focusing able to get a lot done — but mind yourself when your other duties pull you away from that work.

On Wednesday, Mercury forms a square with Mars, increasing the potential for snappishness and conflicts due to misunderstandings. This will be at its most intense around 8 am AST — watch out for heavy cases of the morning grumps! If you experience mental block in your work, try turning your attention to something more manageable and returning to the original task when your mind wanders back in that direction on its own.

On Thursday, Mercury forms another square, this time with Saturn — this day may feel like a very large challenge, again feeling the most intense around 9:22 am AST, so be mindful of slowing down and going with the flow as best you can!

Saturday brings some ease in the form of a trine between Venus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn, majorly lightening the load and most likely providing the solutions to any lingering sensitivities from all the Mercury/Mars/Saturn activity through midweek. Sunday too, with the Moon Apogee (farthest from the Earth) in Capricorn — allowing us to feel far less emotional and much more practical about where to proceed from here, as the Moon also enters its Waning Half-Moon phase, the time to begin finishing up with what was started at the last New Moon, and entering the “processing” phase where you give yourself permission to slow down a bit <3<3

week ahead apr 2-8 2018 main

This week ahead spread is drawn from the Mother Mary Oracle, the Art of Life Tarot, and the Impressionist Tarot. I’ve been missing all my “old” decks so much with the huge influx of new ones from my birthday — this is such a wonderful deck combination, and always looks so beautiful in spreads <3<3 I laid out a crystal grid of dendritic/tree agate for protection of the “roots” you’ve planted with seeds from your heart, prehnite to empower you to speak your truths gently but effectively, dumortierite to protect those messages and ground you in their delivery, ocean jasper to help you recongnize your personal patterns and flow calmly above the ones you wish to release, lapis lazuli to further encourage you to speak and communicate with focused directness, and honey calcite for a boost in confidence and a bit of light to add to your sparkle!

First, let’s look at the Shadow cards, a look at the underlying theme of the week:

week ahead apr 2-8 2018 sh

Shadow Cards: 31. Our Lady of Sacred Sisterhood + Ten of Wands | “Patience and fortitude conquer all things.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson + 7 of Wands reversed

This week, lean on your most loving support system — it has the potential to be a real toughie, but you know exactly who to turn to when you need a listening ear and a soft shoulder. You’re so tired, but with good reason! — a quick look back over the past couple of weeks shows how very much you’ve been doing, and while it’s definitely been an uphill battle, know that you are very much poised to be recognized for your efforts. The time is coming where you’ll be able to be able to let up a bit, to slow down and gain your bearings — you need all the energy you can get for the big things you’ve set in motion, so do your best to relax into any downtime you can find to charge up and get ready. Exciting!!

Oracle Cards: 6. Our Lady of the Dark Mysteries + King of Cups | “It is a good thing to be rich and to be strong, but it is a better thing to be loved.” -Euripides

Indeed, take this post as something to keep in the back of your mind when the challenges crop up this week –sometimes it can feel so confusing when we stop to analyze what’s happening, when the world feels so cruel and all you’re doing is trying to keep up with the demands and hold what you can together! There there, take heart in knowing that’s how we all feel — and that’s why we get so defensive when our efforts, big or small, are questioned. Try to hear what’s really being said when tones and gestures muddy-up both what you’re trying to express this week, as well as what others offer up to you — especially with your immediate loved ones and the people you need to get along with to keep the world turning <3<3 This week, your real power lies in choosing to release your judgments, in turn welcoming the happiness that comes when people feel safe to voice their hearts and minds.

Card 1: Theme/Focus of the Week: 7 of Cups

Oh yes, this week will feel “unreal” at times — lean in to the confusion, ask questions when you feel like you don’t understand, and know that by this time next week, it will all feel like a dream. As such, don’t put any stock in any emotional grievances that arise — they really will blow over before you know it. The theme of lots of rest is continued here, strongly reinforcing the need to go easy on yourself, “choose not to choose,” pulling back from that which overwhelms you and just taking time to yourself to focus on daydreaming about the “next chapter,” visualizing the things you’ve set in motion and how you picture them feeling and progressing. There’s still time before things pick up again, so even though you’re raring to continue, give yourself time to rest too!

Card 2: Release: 9 of Pentacles

It’s true that your “comfort zone” has undergone some major reconstructions as of late — you barely recognize yourself as a result of the thick, hardworking skin you’ve had to develop! As you read the above with the heavy “rest” emphasis you probably though “right…when?!” Well, you’re right, there’s no time to actually “stop” with what you’ve started — just allow yourself to slow down, to do as much as you feel able, with the encouragement that you can continue to pick up the pace gradually as you ease into your new roles and responsibilities more thoroughly. You’re doing such a great job, and you’re getting yourself to where you want to be — this is the part where you establish the baseline, and continue to build on it and progress from there!

Card 3: Energy to Increase: 5 of Cups reversed

Part of this need to protect your energy is to maintain perspective on how far you’ve come — the heavy-ish astro forecast promises challenging encounters, so keep in mind that there is so much good to come, and that this week’s flare-ups are just blips on the radar that you can sail right through. If your feelings get hurt, feel that through, but do your best not to hang on to it — there are so many new opportunities opening up and being fulfilled. Recognize much of what you’re feeling as imprinted expectation of how things have gone before — things are different now, and it is okay to welcome in hope for the best <3<3

Card 4: Best Advice: XX – Judgment reversed

Wow!! Yes, even though tensions may be high, try to crash through this week with a firm focus on your own goals, on your own pursuits of happiness. Go easy on others when their sentiments don’t quite make their way across — don’t sell yourself short, but do excuse yourself from anything that feels too harsh and come back to it later, refreshed and renewed. Allow yourself to be vulnerable in favour of making your own intentions clear, being fully aware that this is a week of “true colours” being shown, of loyalties confirmed, and of connecting within for the light needed to guide the rest of the way.

Now for the Higher Self cards, a message of hope moving forward:

week ahead apr 2-8 2018 hs

Higher Self Cards: 39. Our Lady of Holy Fire + Five of Wands | “The wisest men follow their own direction.” -Euripides + 3 of Wands

Yes, keep your vision close at heart, as this week will test it — stay true to what you’re so passionate about, and know that any upsets this week will pass just as soon as they started. Your message is being communicated, on some level, and you will be heard — trust in time to deliver the return you seek, and in the meantime, do your best to keep your end of any interactions as calm and noncombative as you can manage — or as is appropriate to protect your sense of integrity! This week’s trials-by-fire can be seen as a purification process, the final cleanse before what you need to hear is heard, and in turn finding things become much, much easier for you and everyone else involved.

This is an example of the $25 4-Card Reading in my Etsy shop! If you’re interested in a full month of personalized readings like this, feel free to use the coupon code 4WEEKS25 for 25% off the purchase of four 4-Card Readings — the 4th week is free! I look forward to working with you <3<3

Decks used:

Art of Life Tarot. Charlene Livingstone. Stamford, CT: U. S. Games Systems, Inc., 2012.

Impressionist Tarot. Corrine Kenner. Artwork by Arturo Picca. Torino, Italy: Lo Scarabeo, 2015.

Mother Mary Oracle. Alana Fairchild. Artwork by Shiloh Sophia McCloud. Victoria, Australia: Blue Angel Publishing, 2014.